Star Wars: 10 Epic Lightsaber Duels NOT In The Movies

The awkward moment when cartoons do it better than the movies...

By Matteo Everett /

Lightsabers are perhaps the most iconic symbols of the whole of Star Wars, and duels using the sacred weapon of the Jedi have seeped their way into the cultural zeitgeist since the release of the franchise's first film in 1977.


From Obi-Wan's sacrifice at the hands of his former apprentice in A New Hope to the dramatic reveal of Vader's true identity at the end of The Empire Strikes Back; from the operatic Darth Maul fight which salvaged The Phantom Menace to Luke Skywalker's Force projection fight in The Last Jedi, lightsaber duels elevate Star Wars from a simple soap opera set in space to a fusion of high fantasy and science fiction, blending a contemporary take on magic (the Force) with the sword fights of samurai and fantasy movies.

Often used as a cinematic allegory for wider wars between opposing ideologies, the weapon's short range encourages an intimacy between combatants not seen in other sci-fi franchises.

As epochal as the films' lightsaber duels are, the weapon forms the forefront of more than just the movies. Some of the best canonical lightsaber duels - in terms of both choreography, vision, emotional intensity and consequence - can be found beyond the nine films that form the Skywalker Saga, with the series' cartoons in particular proving a fitting home for fights involving the blade.

10. Obi-Wan Kenobi VS Darth Maul (Star Wars Rebels S03 E20).

Quite likely the shortest duel in the whole of Star Wars, Obi-Wan and Darth's Maul's encounter coming at the tail end of Star Wars Rebels' Season Three packs a lot of emotional intensity in just three minutes. The fight itself is much briefer, with Maul succumbing just seconds after the old foes' blades meet.


Despite its brevity, the choreography is tight, the subtle moment when Obi-Wan's lightsaber slices through Maul's double-bladed saber and his chest demanding multiple rewatches to fully appreciate.

The real highlight of the scene comes as Maul lays dying in Obi-Wan's arms, as it becomes clear the old enemies both share the same desire, the defeat of the Empire - admittedly for different reasons.

Maul dies somewhat peacefully, content that Obi-Wan's ward - Luke Skywalker, the "chosen one" - will "avenge" him, and help destroy the Master who left him for dead on Naboo all those years ago.
