Star Wars: 10 Reasons George Lucas Is Still A Genius

By Andrew Weisselberg /

Over the years, George Lucas has become quite the divisive figure. On one hand, he€™s the beloved creator of what is not so arguably the most popular franchise of the 20th century (if you don€™t know which franchise I€™m talking about, you can stop reading this article now). His work has touched millions upon millions of fans with the ability to instantly transport them to a warm and fuzzy place from their childhood. Now on the other hand, he has been berated by some of the very same fans for what they consider to be a desecration of their favorite franchise (and memories). Ok, let€™s pause here. I€™m not going to write about what€™s wrong with the prequels (which you could have guessed from the title of this article). Rather, it will focus on the positive. Now, here€™s my personal opinion. I like the prequels. They€™re fun, exciting and enjoyable to watch. Of course, we can play Monday morning quarterback and talk about all the things that could have been done better. But what€™s done is done. As we move into the next phase of Star Wars, let€™s reflect on the positive and project that into the future. So, here are my top ten reasons why George Lucas is still a genius, which is a funny thing to say. Can you actually be striped of genius status? Can certain acts undo the past? The answer is no. So, here are my top 10 reasons George Lucas is a genius...

10. He Made Star Wars

This is stating the obvious, but in no uncertain terms should it be dismissed on a list like this because it is so obvious (that€™s why it€™s the first reason). The man created Star Wars. Let me repeat that, he created Star Wars! He formed it in his brain and made it a reality. Lots of people come up with great ideas, but few make them happen, and even fewer create something that touches so many people so deeply (see reason 2 for more on this).