Star Wars: 10 Side Characters Who Totally Stole Their Scenes
The characters that really bring the galaxy to life.
Luke Skywalker. Han Solo. R2-D2. Without context, each of these names sounds rather silly. But why don't we immediately laugh when someone refers to the giant bear man as "Chewie"? Because Star Wars is a series of such incredible pop culture power that it makes even names as ludicrous as Kylo Ren immediately iconic.
But as legendary as figures like Obi-Wan Kenobi and and Darth Vader have become, they are far from the only characters in this galaxy far far away. Since 1977, George Lucas and company have been slaving to make sure that the universe of Star Wars is as vibrant and full of life as possible. To that end, they cram every nook and cranny with memorable characters - bizarre aliens and quirky humans alike.
So let's take a moment today to remember the characters that didn't have an incredible amount of screen time in the saga, but still managed to make a lasting impression. Whether through their character design, iconic lines, or just an effective performance, these characters are an unsung part of what makes Star Wars the cultural behemoth it is today.
10. Garindan - Star Wars (1977)
Garindan is one of the earliest examples of Lucasfilm's incredible facility with character design, making a creature we only see for mere seconds seamlessly integral to the plot.
All additional canon aside, let's take a look at this creature. It follows Han, Luke, and Ben from the Mos Eisley Cantina immediately after their original meeting, As an audience, we do not understand a single word it says, or even learn its name. But we immediately know it is up to no good, only through it's body language and appearance (the black cloak is a dead giveaway).
After less than a minute of screen time, we never see Garindan again. Despite this, it is this sort of character who brings life to a world, and helps validate Ben's description of Mos Eisley. A wretched hive of scum and villainy indeed.