Star Wars: 10 Side Characters Who Totally Stole Their Scenes

9. Lobot - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

Star Wars FN-2199 Tr-8R

Who is Lobot? Is he a human? Android? Both? Okay, the answer is in the Star Wars Wiki, but these are all questions that run through one's head when watching the Bespin scenes in The Empire Strikes Back. Never addressed by anyone besides Lando, Lobot is a silent companion who does everything the most suave man in the universe commands him to do.

Played by John Hollis, Lando's aide is a constant source of comic relief in Lando's earlier scenes. For instance - when he hugs Han, Lobot's instant reaction (to make everyone else turn away) is absolutely brilliant. Hollis' physicality as the character is flawless and mechanical, turning someone who is essentially glorified set dressing into a compelling detail.

It also helps that Lobot comes in and saves the day when Lando and the others are getting taken away by Stormtroopers. Sure, it's just an extension of Lando's plan to escape, but let's give credit where it's due here.

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Self-evidently a man who writes for the Internet, Robert also writes films, plays, teleplays, and short stories when he's not working on a movie set somewhere. He lives somewhere behind the Hollywood sign.