Star Wars: 10 Things From Legends That Need To Be Made Canon

Can we see Revan in modern Star Wars?

By James Egan /

Star Wars is teeming with so much lore, it's no surprise the stories have extended beyond the movies. Over the years, there's been a myriad of comics, novels, and video games introducing new characters, worlds, and concepts. On top of that, these Star Wars properties have expanded the history and mythos of George Lucas' creation.


But when Disney acquired the rights to Star Wars, these tales, now known as Star Wars Legends, were decanonised. Because of this, modern Star Wars projects contradict or flat-out ignore the Legends series.

Although this is frustrating for die-hard fans, it's understandable. In order to tell a brand-new story in a galaxy far, far away, Disney couldn't be tied down by decades of Legends' continuity. As a result, the studio decided to brand all these books and comics as a separate entity.

Even though it makes sense why this was done, there are many aspects of Legends that shouldn't be ignored. Disney should incorporate storylines from James Luceno's novels, the Thrawn trilogy, and Knights of the Old Republic. Mainstream Star Wars need refreshing and innovative villains like Durge, Ajunta Pall, and Naga Sadow. Even though there are hundreds of things that could be implemented into Star Wars canon from the Legends franchise, here are ten things that fans want to see the most.

10. The Good Sith

Because of the way Obi-Wan Kenobi spoke of Darth Vader, many viewers assumed it was impossible for a Darksider to find their way back to the Light. However, there have been several Sith who learned the error of their ways and cast off the Dark Side.

One of the most interesting ex-Sith is Darth Gravid, who was first mentioned in James Luceno's novel, Darth Plagueis. 500 years ago, Gravid was the equivalent of Darth Sidious, ruling The Sith Empire with an iron fist. After witnessing the destructive side of his subjects time and time again, Gravid reasoned The Empire could be more unified if the Sith embraced some of the Jedi teachings.

But the more he researched the Jedi, the more convinced Gravid became that he was fighting on the wrong side. Turning against the same Empire he helped forge, Gravid destroyed countless Sith documents, artefacts, and holocrons. He tried to convince his apprentice, Darth Gean, to help him defeat the Sith but she refused. Although she managed to slay him in battle, Gravid was content, knowing he set back the Sith's plan for galactic rule by centuries.
