Star Wars: 7 Things The Ancient Fear Could Be

Is it Max Von Sydow? A Skywalker? Time will tell.

By Brent DiNunzio /

As the world has digested the possibility that Star Wars Episode VII will have the subtitle (or at least the working title), €œThe Ancient Fear€, speculation has run rampant. It€™s not uncommon for big budget films to attach working titles in order to try and derail potential spoilers from leaking. However, in this situation the news is believed to have come from a reliable source deep within the production camp Is history repeating itself? Is €œThe Ancient Fear€ just another ruse to throw the energetic fan base off the scent? While the source seems to look good, only time will tell whether the final film will even be called this. The traditional struggle in previous Star Wars films has always been between the two opposing sides of the Force: good and bad, light and dark. Could fans now be in store for something entirely new? Will there be a darker, older aspect of the Star Wars galaxy revealed that has never been touched upon before? No matter what, Disney have done well in whipping up hype further for their upcoming sci-fi epic. Let us look at seven things that "The Ancient Fear" could end up being in Star Wars Episode VII...