Star Wars: 7 Things The Ancient Fear Could Be

7. Exar Kun

Every Star Wars film to date has centred primarily on two things: the Skywalker linage and the constant power struggle between the Jedi and Sith. From the new rumoured subtitle, it appears possible we are finally going to see something new and completely fresh in Episode VII. Surely Exar Kun from the Expanded Universe (EU) is the most obvious ancient fear? He€™s an ancient Sith, trapped in the dark temple on Yavin 4 where Luke establishes his Jedi Order, and it is believed his EU entries have been kept for reference unlike most of the other books and works of media. Plus, he returns to torment Luke and his apprentices, using fear to corrupt their training and convince them that Luke is working against them, and he was a master at using fear conquer the original native sentients on Yavin 4. In short, he fits. Whatever the case may be, having the new villain emerge from an older ancient evil that precedes both the Jedi and Sith, possibly even the Republic itself, is someone all fans surely can€™t wait to see.

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” - George Bernard Shaw