Star Wars: Every Movie & TV Show Ranked Worst To Best

How does The Book of Boba Fett fare amongst the other adventures from a galaxy far, far away?

By Aidan Whatman /

After releasing his debut American Graffiti in 1973, George Lucas was disappointed to find he couldn't obtain the rights to his next big passion project, Flash Gordon, so he set about creating his own original sci-fi adventure. For the next few years, he worked tirelessly to bring Star Wars to life.


Originally titled The Star Wars, Lucas was inspired to create his own world by the sci-fi classics of his youth, the recent boom of Spaghetti Westerns, and the various work of Akira Kurosawa (particularly The Hidden Fortress).

With help from 20th Century Fox and the visionary mind of artist Ralph McQuarrie, it wasn't long before Lucas was given the greenlight, and Star Wars burst onto screens and changed blockbuster cinema forever in 1977. Since then, it's become one of the most beloved and lucrative franchises ever made.

Spawning three interconnected movie trilogies, a handful of TV shows and some daring spin-offs, Star Wars has been messy, epic, groundbreaking, and utterly unique. It's not all been smooth sailing, but its impact on audiences speaks for itself.

With all that in mind - ignoring the franchise's various short-lived micro-series - here is every movie and TV show from the Star Wars saga ranked worst to best.

22. Star Wars Holiday Special

To call the Star Wars Holiday Special a travesty would be an understatement. In fact, it's such a vilified work of temporary insanity that George Lucas once famously said he'd smash every copy with a sledgehammer if he had the chance.


Directed by Steven Binder, the 1978 TV special takes place just after the events of A New Hope, and follows Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew) as they race to visit the wookiee's family whilst being pursued by the Empire.

With its atrociously cheap sets and painfully uncomfortable performances, the Holiday Special really is as bad as it sounds, featuring nonsense sing-alongs, half-formed characters, and the poor introduction of future franchise legend Boba Fett.

It's so bad, in fact, that it's never actually been released on home video, and can only be roughly watched here on YouTube. But, y'know, please don't.
