Star Wars: Rogue One - 12 Big Questions We're Asking After The First Trailer

What will you become?

By James Hunt /

After months of waiting, with the film shrouded in secrecy and nothing beyond one cast image released, the world finally got a good look at Rogue One: A Star Wars Story yesterday, and the world applauded, a million voices crying out in cheer. 


Given how little we've seen of the film (i.e. nothing), the first teaser could've only been 30 seconds long and shown hardly anything, and people still would've lapped it up. Instead, they rolled out a 90-second teaser that gave us a proper look at what we can expect from the movie, and it's safe to say expectations are through the roof. 

Rogue One looks fantastic: it's recognisably Star Wars, yet different enough to be a standalone, and we're set to witness a rather eclectic mix of characters (all played by some great acting talent) undertaking what is a key part of the Star Wars mythology - the Rebels stealing the plans to the Death Star. 

The trailer was visually impressive, exciting, and showed us just enough without giving much away. We know the rough outlines of the plot - that much was given away almost 40-years-ago to be fair - but the details of how it all plays out are still well-guarded. Now that we've had a closer look at the film, we've had a couple of answers, but we're left with a whole load of questions. 

12. How Does Jyn Run Into The Rebels?

Meet Jyn, the newest Star Wars hero. Aside from how great it is to see Star Wars giving us another female lead on the back of The Force Awakens, there also appear to be some similarities between Jyn and Rey, and also both of them and Luke. They all fit within a certain model: loners, probably from a distant planet, who yearn for something more, and end up joining the fight against the evil in the galaxy. Although based on this glimpse of Jyn, there's a bit of Han Solo in there as well: "I rebel." 


The question, though, is how she gets to this point. We're not filled in on much of her backstory, apart from she's been on her own from 15, and has seemingly been arrested for a number of crimes. Does this mean she's from Yavin, where the Rebel base is? Or somewhere else? And even then, how is it that she's taken in by the Rebels, rather than Imperial forces, especially when one of her crimes is the forgery of Imperial documents? 
