Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 10 Things Everybody Missed In The Final Trailer

Are Rey and Ren linked?

By Alex Leadbeater /

Hyperspace! Han the mentor! So... many... ship... battles! That look on John Boyega's face when Adam Driver lifts up his lightsaber! Yup, the "Final Trailer" for Star Wars: The Force Awakens was pretty damn brilliant. Giving a better look at J.J. Abrams approach to Episode VII outside of aesthetic, revealing some daring cinematography and a few snippets of the state of the galaxy far, far away thirty-odd years on from Return Of The Jedi (without giving much away of the actual plot), it's the perfect way to build anticipation without popping the hype balloon. No wonder it broke so many records. Of course, in the tradition of the firsttwo teasers, there is a lot hidden in the background that hints at the bigger picture or opens up whole new areas of speculation that are so obscure it's easy to miss them even on the twenty-seventh watch. That's where this list comes in - here's a run down of ten awesome things hidden in the latest Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer. Before we begin it's worth saying that while this is all speculation mostly born of things confirmed officially, this is still a seriously in-depth look at the trailer so there could be some things discussed that may hint at wider plot points.

Honourable Mention - There's Luke

"Where's Luke?" asked every single person coming out of the trailer, prompting mass speculation over Mark Hamill's involvement in the film, with some even positing he's actually Kylo Ren (which makes not one midichlorian of sense if you think about it for more than two seconds before retweeting). What exactly the Jedi Master is up to in the film is certainly a big question, especially as Hamill is second-billed on the poster (although given how the cast is ordered he wouldn't have to be in the top three), but to get all up in arms because he's not in the trailer is going totally against the anti-spoiler culture around the film. Oh, and missing that he is actually in the trailer. Seriously, can we at least acknowledge this? It may be reused from the second teaser, but it's still there and means that Luke is present (and, with his white sleeve under black hood, clearly not Ren).