Apparently, in just over two weeks there is going to be a new Star Wars film released at cinemas worldwide. I say 'apparently' because, even this close to the release date, there's still a part of me not believing that it's happening, and won't until I'm sat in the screen at midnight and the opening crawl begins. Like many Star Wars fans I had assumed the franchise would be dead (in terms of new cinematic releases) for a while longer than a decade, such was the generally poor reception to the prequels and the fact George Lucas seemingly had little serious interest in reviving it. Then three years ago the deal with Disney was made, Episode VII was announced, and the hype has been building ever since. It really kicked into gear around this time last year, with the title reveal and the first teaser trailer. Most doubts about the film were eliminated then, and come the second teaser they were obliterated like Alderaan by the Death Star. Since then we've had a behind-the-scenes look, a not-so-final 'final trailer', numerous TV spots, magazine reveals, a whole day dedicated to the merchandise, and the movie breaking all sorts of records for ticket sales way in advance of release. This is, at the very least, the biggest movie of the last 16 years (oh hey, The Phantom Menace...), and arguably the biggest of all-time, at least in terms of hype before its release. Thankfully, based on everything seen, heard, or read so far, it's actually going to live up to it. But even then, there's a caveat or two...