Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Predicting Who Lives And Who Dies

If Chewie dies, we riot.

By Jack Pooley /

There's no movie this year more widely anticipated than Star Wars: The Force Awakens, so fans are naturally eager to feast their eyes on every sliver of plot information they can. Though the journey and sense of adventure should ultimately prove more important than the destination, that hasn't stopped fans from speculating about who will actually make it to the end of the movie, to live on and fight another day in Rian Johnson's Episode VIII (due for release in May 2017). Of course, many fans are worried that J.J. Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan's script will see a number of iconic characters killed off, all while the series tries to re-establish itself with a glut of fresh young faces being forced down audience's throats. Whether Abrams has the stones to do it remains to be seen, what with plot details remaining as mysterious as ever, but that doesn't stop the speculation - let's predict who will live and who will die in the year's biggest film?

12. Finn (John Boyega)

Why He Could Live: For one, Finn is largely expected to be the new Luke Skywalker for this new trilogy, so cutting him down after less than one movie seems pretty ridiculous. Plus, there's the whole racial diversity angle to consider, too, especially when remembering that the franchise's track record for black characters who stick around isn't great at all (with the exception of Lando Calrissian, who sadly won't be returning for Episode VII). Why He Could Die: On the other hand, Disney may want to subvert expectations and present a Luke-like hero who ends up being killed off near the end of the movie in a major shock moment, possibly taking a bullet for Rey or Luke himself. Prediction: Finn lives to go on and become a major fixture in all three new episodes.