Suicide Squad: 25 Biggest Questions Left By The Dumbest DCEU Movie Yet

More chaotic than any of the Joker's plans.

By Alex Leadbeater /

Suicide Squad isn't the worst movie in the DC Extended Universe (that honour goes to Batman V Superman), but boy is it the dumbest.


Man Of Steel had a lot of out-there moments, but everything kinda chimed with how the characters set up (Superman was a mopey kid taught morals by Kevin Costner, so of course when given any easily solvable situation he'd snap Zod's neck), while Batman V Superman at least had some grounding in comic book logic so dots could be drawn for most things (although maybe not Lex Luthor's plan), but Suicide Squad is just a constant barrage of inexplicable plot points, character decisions and other assorted f*ck ups that it's almost majestic.

When watching the film, I went from taking the usual review notes about style and story nuances and instead started writing a stream of incredulous questions at the pure incomprehensibility of what was unfolding on screen. I don't think I've ever had more WTF questions after a big summer blockbuster, but in the interests of reader sanity I've managed to reign it in to just twenty-five.

Many of these stem from those widely reported production issues, with ham-fisted reshoots and multiple edits creating a mish-mash of a plot, although just as many seem to come from a production that didn't quite understand what it was doing.

25. Why Does Enchantress' Original Form Look Like Cara Delevingne?

The scene of Cara Delevingne as an archeologist was originally going to be the film's opening, something that would have turned audiences off even earlier - not since Angelina Jolie has someone looked quite so out of place in the profession.


Although that's not the most confusing part of that sequence: that's why the Enchantress' original, pre-Moone form looks exactly like Cara Delevingne. Like, exactly; her original, spiritual form is just the grimy version of the witch we see later on. Is it extreme cosmic coincidence or were the pair destined to meet? And that's saying nothing of the implications of what's happening when June transforms.

Things only get more convoluted later with Enchantress' "brother", whose businessman host is transformed in a wholly different manner. DC may have introduced magic, but they don't seem to really understand it.
