Terminator Genisys: 10 Things That Would Have Happened Afterwards

The public probably wouldn't be happy with a beloved high-tech company being blown to smithereens.

By Adam Clery /

There are two types of people in this world; those who have seen Terminator Genisys, and those that were warned off in time.


Much like the plot of the original 1984 film, those who've endured Alan Taylor's loving ode to plot-holes and drama school dialogue now have a mission in the present to save the humanity in the future. Namely, that they can convince anyone going to the cinema at the weekend to see Inside/Out or something instead. It might not be very Hollywood but, if each of us can save even one friend, colleague or neighbour the ordeal, then we won't have suffered in vain.

But suffer we did, and after sitting through all 126 minutes of that absolute mess we find ourselves ejected from the story just as things were starting to get interesting. What did our valiant heroes do next? Where did they go? Who had to sweep up all that broken glass outside the Cyberdyne HQ? The possibilities are not only endless, but likely a lot more entertaining than the film was in the first place.

Throughout the franchise we're told that the future isn't written yet, but that's not true, because I've written it all here. Come with me if you want to live a little.

10. Detective O'Brien Files The Most Awkward Police Report Ever

Some 3 hours into a meeting that was only scheduled to take 15 minutes, Detective O'Brien's superior officer shuffles awkwardly in a chair, still pouring over the extra pages of A4 that have been stapled into a report.


"I just want to make sure I'm getting the whole picture from you here O'Brien", he says, pinching the bridge of his nose and rubbing his eyes. "Because, and I can't stress the seriousness of this enough, this has to somehow explain how we've got a dozen dead police officers here, millions of dollars worth of structural damage to the building, and two helicopters at the bottom of the bay".

O'Brien's chair squeaks as he leans forward. "It's all there sir, in my repor..."

"...this report", his senior interrupts, "this report that allegedly validates nearly 30 years of your ramblings and substance abuse. In which you allege that the prisoners were actually three cyborgs, who are from the future but travelled here from the past, are part of some sort of time war with Detective Cheung - who's apparently a shape-shifting robot - and some exec from Cyberdyne".

"You then assisted them in their escape from custody, gave them access to Police helicopters, and sent them on their way to blow up a corporate building to... and I'm quoting directly here... to save the world. That's right is it? That's what I have to tell the Governor, the press, and the grieving widows today?"

"N... no, that's n... not it, Sir" O'Brien reluctantly interjects. "Only one of prisoners was a cyborg".
