Terminator: Genisys Spoilers - 8 Plot Points Revealed

No, the spelling's still not been explained.

By Tom Baker /

When Terminator: Genisys was first announced, fans rightly had a lot of questions. And not all of them were about unorthodox styles of spelling. The franchise which had begun so strong had tapered off towards the end, with the most recent fourth instalment in the series being remembered more for Christian Bale acting like a douche on set than, really, anything about the film itself. Sam Worthingon was in it, right? What happened to that guy? There's been speculation about whether a new Terminator film is even necessary, if and how Arnold Schwarzenegger could be brought back into the fold, and what the heck a new Terminator film would even be about. This week saw a front-page exclusive in industry magazine Entertainment Weekly which answers...some of those questions, at least. And answers them in the sort of vague way these things usually do. The answers it did give, though, are hella exciting and more than a little tantalising. More time travel shenanigans, reboot rumours, and new killer robots all make up the eight plot points that have been revealed about Terminator: Genisys so far. Potential Terminator: Genisys spoilers ahead. Come with us if you want to be awesome.