The 3 Greatest 3D Films Ever Made

By Jamie Baker /


If you know your films and had to name a 3D example from the last 30 years which stands out as the worst, most of you would probably name the most renowned failure €“ Jaws 3D.

Although that monstrosity of a film had the power to convince every person on planet Earth to never watch a 3D film again, it didn€™t stop filmmakers from trying to harness our ever-evolving technological capabilities in order to create convincing, entertaining 3D films. In fact, I think it may even have spurred a few of them on to prove that 3D can actually work in favour of film.


Obviously there was a lull after Jaws 3D€™s release back in 1983, and I think we all needed a period of two-dimensional tranquillity before gathering enough strength to tackle the issue again. And after the millennium, we did try again - with far better success.

Of the most famed pioneers, it was James Cameron who started to take the reins and the initiative, in a bid to push us all forward into an era of 3D glory and acceptance. He forged new techniques and technological breakthroughs, allowing an increased number of less daring studio€™s and their filmmakers to take an interest in how 3D could improve their productions with significantly less financial risk than before.


Of course, even with a world of possibilities at their fingertips and usually enough money to manipulate and create whatever they desire, many still managed to mess it up. This led to unfortunate releases such as Clash of the Titans (2010), Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010) and A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas (2011) all infecting our cinemas.

This last example brings me to another point. The visuals and story in the two former examples are at least suited to how a third dimension could increase entertainment value, but are 3D effects really going to enhance the viewing experience of films like the latter? Some 3D films may look good. But is the extra dimension really adding anything of significant value apart from increased ticket prices.


Take Ridley Scott€™s Prometheus. Although the story isn€™t quite what most of us were waiting and hoping for, the 3D element was realistic and effective. But that is as about as far as it goes. Although it may have looked attractive, the 3D aspect of Prometheus didn€™t really pump up the entertainment meter or improve the viewing experience compared to the 2D version (I did watch both). Not enough to warrant about £3.50's worth extra per ticket, anyway.

So for these reasons, films such as Prometheus have not quite made this short but esteemed list. And trash like Jaws 3D and Harold and Kumar certainly haven€™t. Here's the best 3D films to date so far...
