The 3 Greatest 3D Films Ever Made

3. Avatar (2009)


James Cameron has contributed more than most in the development and successful application of 3D.

After experimenting with the attraction of T2 3-D: Battle Across Time in 1996, over a decade later, Cameron felt it was time to move on and deliver us a 3D fantasy film like no other: a film which would rival The Matrix for ingenuity, originality and groundbreaking, breathtaking visuals and special effects.

And most would agree he succeeded. Okay, Avatar is a simple story at heart, but the scope of the project, its critical and box-office success, and most notably, the pioneering brilliance with the use of 3D, made sure we all stood up and took notice of what can be achieved with 3D when it is done right.

With Avatar 2 coming soon, it will be interesting to see if and how Cameron will improve upon the epically conceived and executed first instalment.

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I am a copywriter, creative writer and film enthusiast. My passion is writing about film and one day soon, I hope to be able to do this full time, at home, in my pyjamas.