The Batman: 10 DC Comics Villains Perfect For Matt Reeves' Sequel

A film is only as good as its villain.

By Grant Bullert /

Although The Batman will not officially reach theaters until 4 March, there has already been talk about what might come next for Robert Pattinson's Caped Crusader.


Both Pattinson and director Matt Reeves have expressed interest in making a trilogy about Batman. If and when they move forward with the next film, it is essential that they pick the right villain for the Dark Knight to face off against. That decision will depend upon where the first film leaves off and what the overall tone of the story will be. Based on the trailers and interviews we've seen so far, Reeves has elected to tell a story that's grounded in reality.

The Riddler appears to be well adapted for realism despite his rather loud personality in the comics. Not all of Bruce Wayne's enemies are realistic, but many of them could fit into a noir-style detective story quite convincingly, if done right.

So far there has been no reason to doubt Reeves' vision for this Batman universe, and the atmosphere of these films may be dark but the future looks bright for fans of the World's Greatest Detective.

Here, then, are ten villains who would be a perfect fit for this world and to butt heads with this latest cinematic incarnation of the Caped Crusader.

10. Victor Zsasz

Serial killers are always fascinating characters to explore through films.


Victor Zsasz is particularly interesting because he has no motives other than simply finding purpose in killing. He has a strong belief that life is meaningless. In his mind, killing people actually "sets them free." Because of this, there are no specific victims that Zsasz targets. This would make stopping Victor quite difficult for Bats. Without any clear motives there would be no way for the Detective to anticipate his movements.

While Victor may not possess the qualities of a leading villain, he would make a great distraction for the Dark Knight. The ever increasing number of victims could draw Bruce's attention away from a bigger threat for a time. Due to his obsession with knife violence, Zsasz would leave behind some gruesome crime scenes for Batman to find.

Zsasz is yet to be heavily featured on film, but he could get his chance soon.
