These Marvel Heroes Can Rejoin The MCU Soon

Daredevil and his Defenders friends are looking to make a comeback by the end of 2020.

By Jonathan H. Kantor /

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has grown to become the most successful movie franchise in Hollywood history, and the only reason it's gotten as big as it has is due to the plethora of amazing characters that make up the movies.


The MCU began with Iron Man but has since expanded to include hundreds of characters pulled from the comics, or created new for the universe. The silver screen is the primary home of the MCU, but it also exists on the small screen, thanks to shows like Marvel's Agents of SHIELD, and the now-canceled series that ran on Netflix for a few years.

Unfortunately, those series were canceled for a variety of reasons, but there is hope that Daredevil, the Punisher, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and Jessica Jones may soon find their way over to the MCU, and that could mean appearances in movies or a revival of their television series on Disney+.

It's impossible to say exactly how these characters or their series may end up returning to the MCU, but what is known is that the rights to feature them will revert back to Disney by the end of 2020.

That means there's a good chance these street-level superheroes will make a comeback, or enter into the MCU proper.

5. Luke Cage - October 19, 2021

Luke Cage was first introduced in Jessica Jones, and the character was immediately popular. Mike Colter was born to play the role, and the series was an immediate success. Not only did Netflix manage to bring the character to life on the small screen, but it also managed to get him to say, "Sweet Christmas," at the delight of many fans.


Luke Cage is closely associated with Iron Fist in the comics, and the series managed to do a lot of crossover with both characters. He also featured heavily in The Defenders, though that series was only given a single season.

Luke Cage was surprisingly canceled on the same day as Iron Fist, which was also the day season three of Daredevil hit the streaming service. The cancelation came as a shock to many fans, as the second season finished on something of a cliffhanger, which saw Cage take over Mariah Dillard's role.

Just like the other members of The Defenders, Luke Cage is a featured character of the deal between Netflix and Disney. Two years need to pass before Disney has the right to put Cage back into the MCU, so that's not going to happen until at least October 19, 2021.
