Thor: Ragnarok - 7 Predictions For The Huge Surprise

Secret cameos, more betrayals and Thanos?!

By Simon Gallagher /

Marvel Studios

It's now only a matter of weeks until Thor: Ragnarok makes a play to be your new favourite MCU movie. Despite the poor foundation of predecessor The Dark World, there's a lot of reasons to be supremely confident about the movie, not just because of the talent of the director but also the new additions to the cast and the amalgamation of two huge Marvel comic arcs.


On top of all the excellent marketing, which has made the film look brilliant and funny, that confidence has had a huge injection thanks to the almost universally positive early reactions that have already come out of the press screenings. It sounds a lot like Taika Waititi and Marvel have pulled it off again, and the hype is completely well-placed.

And despite some accusations that the trailers have shown too much and gone spoilerish again, intriguingly, some of the reviews mentioned surprises not yet ruined. Even more intriguingly, there's further suggestion that there's a hugely funny one in there too that could be the most hilarious scene yet seen in the MCU. That's a pretty huge claim.


So now, attention turns to what they could be...
