Wait, Blob Is Going To Be In X-Men: Apocalypse?

Bryan Singer's Instagram says so.

By Alex Leadbeater /

Instagram/20th Century Fox

A new trailer's set to hit for X-Men: Apocalypse today, so it looks like we're entering the final act of the marketing campaign for Bryan Singer's epic!


After all, even though it's somewhat overshadowed by Captain America: Civil War, let's not forget the film is less than a month away; we can expect more revealing teasers (this next one is rumoured to feature a pretty major cameo) and exciting tidbits from the cast in the coming weeks. Spoiler-phobes better be on high alert (not that the advertising has been coy thus far).

Singer has got ahead of the curve and Instagrammed out a picture of Blob. Yes, Blob - looks like Fred Dukes is going to make an appearance in the destruction extravaganza. There's no casting info on the character, so don't expect him to be a major part, but based on the image he'll be one of the combatants in the underground mutant fighting ring where we'll also be introduced to Angel and Nightcrawler.


Seeing Blob is quite a big deal for someone as into the intricacies of the X-Men canon as me. He was last seen in Origins: Wolverine, the series' worst film that was written out of continuity in Days Of Future Past, and while it's unlikely to be a dominant part of the film - not everyone spends sleepless nights dissecting how the series fits together - having him pop up here suggests Singer is still going to throw out some clues to how the new timeline works.

X-Men: Apocalypse is in UK cinemas from 18th May and US cinemas from 27th May.
