What should Marty do next?

By Matt Holmes /

We've said the line.... "Martin Scorsese is lined up to direct" or something similar around 6 times since The Departed came out in cinema's. The guy is obviously having some trouble choosing what his next project should be. Let's have a look at the potential flicks, and try and help the guy out. Which film do you want to see the legendary director make next (click on each title for our original detailed post on the movie).... The Wolf of Wall Street DiCaprio would play Belfort, a Long Island penny stockbroker who served 20 months in prison for refusing to cooperate in a massive 1990s securities fraud case that involved widespread corruption on Wall Street and in the corporate banking world, including mob infiltration. The Last Duel: A True Story of Crime, Scandal and Trial by Combat in Medieval France - "The book focuses on the last duel officially sanctioned by the French government between a squire and a distinguished knight after the squire apparently raped the knight€™s wife". Silence €œThe story is set in sixteenth century Japan and deals with Japanese feudal lords, the persecution of Christians, the torturing of priests, and dangerous journeys€. The Long Play A rock and roll epic €œthat follows two friends through 40 years in the music business, from the early days of R&B to contemporary hip-hop€. The Invention of Hugo Cabret €œThe Invention of Hugo Cabret€ concerns a 12-year-old orphan who lives in the walls of a Paris train station in 1930 and a mystery involving the boy, his late father and a robot". The Departed sequel or prequel We've heard that Scorsese would want to use his former muse Robert De Niro for a role in either a Departed prequel or sequel. Screenwriter William Monahan is said to be pumping out a script as we speak. I must say I pretty much like the sound of all flicks apart from maybe The Long Play, which I don't have all that much desire to see. A sequel to The Departed would be pretty awesome. The Last Duel probably sounds the most intriguing to me, but then again the thought of another Scorsese/DiCaprio team up with Wall Street sounds pretty sweet too. Vote in our new poll, for what you think Scorsese should do next!