X-Men: Apocalypse - Everything You Need To Know

Yep, Sansa Stark is your new Jean Grey. But who's Cyclops?

By Tom Baker /

It seemed like the X-Men had narrowly avoided a dystopian future thanks to all the time travel hoo-ha of Days Of Future Past. Turns out, they just put themselves on a path to Apocalypse. The character Apocalypse, that is. Who's whole bag is bringing about the actual apocalypse. So yeah, things still look pretty dire. After rescuing what looked like a flagging series off the back of the Brett Ratner-directed third film and a couple of bad Wolverine spin-offs, Days Of Future Past picked up where superior prequel X-Men: First Class left off, and did a damn fine job of it. The box office returns were pretty impressive and all. Which is why Fox wasted no time in greenlighting a sequel, due for release in 2016. Such is the nature of modern blockbusters, though €“ and especially ones based off of existing comics €“ that even with that date still a year off, fans already have a fair bit of info about what the next X-Men film entails. When is it set? Which stars are returning, and which have been let go? Which cast member of Game Of Thrones is inheriting an iconic role? And will there be lava lamps and flares again? Here's everything you need to know about X-Men: Apocalypse.