X-Men: Apocalypse Leaked Trailer: 6 Things You Need To Know

Which fan-favourite mutants make up Apocalypse's Four Horsemen?

By Josh Wilding /

After whetting the appetites of fans at Comic-Con this past Saturday with footage from Fantastic Four and Deadpool, 20th Century Fox brought out the cast of X-Men: Apocalypse as the main event and wowed those in attendance with the first trailer for the highly anticipated follow-up to X-Men: Days of Future Past. 


The preview shown was made up of footage shot during the first five weeks of production, and that means there are sadly no plans to release it online any time soon. Like Deadpool and Suicide Squad though, it didn't take long for a bootleg version to appear before being swiftly taken down by the studio. 

It's not hard to understand why fans would go out of their way to record a trailer like this one. X-Men: Apocalypse will after all introduce younger versions of fan-favourite mutants like Cyclops, Jean Grey, and Storm, and will also bring one of the most iconic X-Men baddies of all-time to the big screen in the form of Oscar Isaac's Apocalypse. There's a lot to be excited about in this movie, and the trailer pulled back the curtain on an awful lot of its secrets. 

From Apocalypse's master plan to some shocking character reveals, here you will find an in-depth look at the biggest, best, and most surprising moments of the Comic-Con trailer for X-Men: Apocalypse...

6. The End Of The World

The trailer kicks off with flashes of destruction and the young Jean Grey waking up from a psychic dream looking absolutely terrified. "I saw the end of the world. I could feel all this death," she tells Professor X, who calmly reassures her that it was "just a dream". 


She doesn't look convinced though, and if the original X-Men trilogy taught fans anything, it's that Jean is powerful enough to feel something like that on the horizon.

"I've been called many things over many lifetimes. Ra, Krishna, Yahweh..." says a mysterious voice as the focus shifts from Jean. This is later revealed to belong to Apocalypse, and despite the fact that X-Men: Days of Future Past featured an after-credits scene which showed a young Apocalypse in ancient Egypt, there's been some concern that Bryan Singer wouldn't stick to the comic books that closely and Apocalypse wouldn't be thousands of years old. That line makes it clear that he is! 

"I was there to spark and fan the flame of man's awakening. To spin the wheel of civilisation," Apocalypse continues as snapshots of characters like Mystique and Nightcrawler show up on screen. That comment confirms that he's not only been around for a very long time, but may have a bigger role in how the world has turned out than even his comic book counterpart... 
