X-Men: Dark Phoenix Trailer - 10 Things You Might've Missed

Remember Bishop? No?

By Jack Pooley /


Fox dropped the first trailer for Dark Phoenix recently, and while it's been met with a fairly muted response from fans so far, it did at least provide a few sneaky surprises for those who were really paying attention (though nobody would blame you if you weren't).


With the abundance of Easter eggs and comic book references in this trailer alone, it's clear writer-director Simon Kinberg is going to pepper Fox's final X-Men movie with as many stealthy nods as possible.

In other aspects the trailer also might tip its hat a little too eagerly to some of the movie's big reveals, one of which is laid out so obviously it's easy to suspect we might be getting trolled (but we're probably not).


As a piece of marketing it's not exactly a trailer for the ages, but if you dig down deep and pore over every frame, there are some neat observations, nerdy hidden treats and even a moment of pure unintentional comedy. Speaking of which...