10 Actors You Won't Believe Starred In Video Games

Hollywood occasionally slips into videogames under the radar, and it's fun when you find out.

By Robert Kojder /

Actors can benefit tremendously from branching out into other mediums, and often times video games can likewise benefit from having that extra kick of star power. As good as some video game actors are, some people might feel more inclined to buy a game if it has the names Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe staring them in the face on the case. It€™s a slippery slope as far acting goes in video games, but the facts can€™t be argued. I loved Troy Baker€™s performances in The Last of Us and Bioshock: Infinite, but how many people €“ myself included €“ actually bought them just because a voice actor was involved? The answer is probably not many. Despite the fact that a big Hollywood name can add some appeal, for whatever reason it occasionally just isn€™t marketed to anyone, leaving the gesture feeling like a glorified independent acting gig. Sure it€™s fantastic, but how many people actually are aware of the performance. It€™s even stranger with video games as you could often be playing a blockbuster Triple-A game with heavy narrative focus, but unless you have a keen ear for voices it may go over your head that a popular Hollywood star you€™re familiar with and enjoy is the one delivering the lines. And that€™s what this article will explore; not the obvious Ray Liotta€™s as the Tommy Vercetti€™s, but major Hollywood figures that starred in some equally mainstream video games but weren€™t even promoted as doing so. I€™m also fairly confident that my #1 selection will your rock your world because even when doing additional research, I didn€™t find my #1 pick and inspiration for the article in any other piece, anywhere. Click Next to begin!