It's within video game developers' best interests to make sure that players get to experience everything in their titles. With the skyrocketing blockbuster budgets for AAA games and the proportional cost of buying such a title, gamers would (rightfully) kick off if they didn't actually get to see all that money up on screen; hence people getting peeved about DLC and other content that gets locked behind some such similar BS mechanic. If they paid for it, they deserve to play it, right? Hence the hand-holding story modes for Call Of Duty, the relatively short play times with the likes of Dead Space, and the existence of Super Easy difficulty modes (not to mention the outcry over super difficult permadeath dungeon crawlers like Dark Souls). The one, frankly bizarre, exception to this rule is the most expensive, popular and big deal video game franchise on the planet. Since the very start the Grand Theft Auto games have been stuffed full of Easter Eggs, side missions and secret stuff hidden across their huge recreations of New York State and California. With the upgrading of each gaming generation those recreations have gotten even larger, and the amount of Easter Eggs and other secrets have increased along with it. The latest iteration in the series comes with the most secrets yet, with oodles of hidden content across the next gen landmass of San Andreas yet to be discovered or figured out. UFOs! Bigfoot! Ghosts! Jetpacks! These are the ten amazing unsolved GTA V mysteries.