10 Amazing Video Games You Can Get For Under £5

Because value and quality don't have to be mutually exlusive.

By Mark Woodrow /


There are so many great games released across the year that it can often place a huge strain on your wallet. It seems that you have only just popped a new game in your disc tray a couple of days before the next shiny new AAA title is staring at you from the shelves.


Aside from selling your body for science, how can you possibly experience so much gaming goodness and also have the money to do those other important things like eating? Well, the one good thing about the games industry moving so fast is that many outstanding games will quickly drop in price to accommodate the latest entry. This means, for the more patient among us, there are a huge number of top quality titles that are available to you for less than the price of a McDonald's.

For the more economically minded gamer, we have compiled a list of 10 games that you can get for under a fiver. It’s worth noting that some of these games have been released as remasters on the current generation and the price I am quoting is for last generation. The fact that many of these are being re-released is an indication of their overall quality and, if you can put aside any prejudices about the latest graphics, you will find there is still a lot of life left in the old consoles.


Disclaimer: Some games are only under £5 when purchasing pre-owned.