10 Ambitious Video Games With Immensely Disappointing Stories

Sometimes it's okay to stick to the basics.

By Lukasz Muniowski /

Creating a video game with a compelling story is no easy task. If the gameplay and the graphics don't live up to expectation, no one will really care about the characters and narrative in the first place.


We all know that video games follow certain formulas and frameworks, so for example, it's okay for Nathan Drake to kill thousands of people during gameplay and still be a warm, likeable individual during cutscenes. Why? Because it's 'expected' of him to walk this sort of line on his adventures, lest Uncharted be the story of a complete psychopath.

However, this is one of those rare instances when acting out of character is forgiven. The real problem occurs when games should have great stories, yet they either fail horribly, hilariously, or both.

It may be because the story - which was the selling point - didn't come together, perhaps because the source material was so great and yet the end product wasted all that potential, or sometimes just by virtue of being a AAA game our expectations are far higher.

While all of the following titles should be applauded for their ambitions, unfortunately they fall under one of the three aforementioned categories.

Heavy spoilers ahead.

10. Heavy Rain

Yes, Heavy Rain was creepy and engaging. Yes, it changed the way people think about video games and their possibilities. However, for such an ambitious title, there are some serious plot holes in what is literally a plot-driven game.


The gamer is supposed to suspect Ethan Mars of being the Origami Killer. He has these terrible blackouts which are mentioned at the beginning of the game, yet forgotten afterwards. They are the sole reason why he's the main suspect in a murder case.

Oh, that, and he wakes up with origami models in his hands for no apparent reason - something that never gets addressed or answered.

The worst moment comes when detective Scott Shelby is revealed as the main antagonist, despite being one of the four 'heroes'. The main problem is that during one of the killings he's show in a totally different place, but later on, when recollecting and informing the audience, he's shown killing the victim. Come on!

Heavy Rain is a great experience and very immersive, it just doesn't make a lot of sense.
