10 Awesome Details You Missed In Iconic Video Games

You'll never view these games the same way again.

By Jess McDonell /


There’s a lot to love in the world of video games and deep attention to detail is up there with one of our favourites. Perhaps it’s because it’s one of the things that most evidently shows off that developers are pouring as much love into their games as we get out of them.


We can see this through unique and complex mechanics, engrossing narratives, and fan favourite returning plot points and characters that are included just to make you happy, but it doesn’t have to be a big inclusion to get us saying “Oh damn, how cool.”

In fact almost all of the lovely little details on this list are so small you’d be forgiven, even expected, to miss them entirely. But with a little help from those of you who pay particular attention to every little addition in your favourite games, we’ve pulled together a bunch of really clever inclusions that really enhance the game worlds in these already fantastic games once you notice them.
