10 Awful Horror Movies That Would Make Awesome Video Games

By Clayton Ofbricks /

When it comes to horror movies, there are really only two ways to think about it. Either you believe that A) horror movies are supposed to scare you by having things jump out in front of you. Or, you believe that B) horror movies exist to point out the fact that you are just plain taking yourself too seriously these days. I happen to believe the latter. And so, my love affair with crappy horror movies was born. But, why does it have to be that these horror movies are stuck forever in the medium of film? There are hundreds, if not thousands, of absolutely horrible games made as tie ins to great movies. So, I ask the question "why not make great games out of bad movies?" It makes sense, really. Bad movies usually have all the things that make games great like poor character motivation, unnecessary blood, and controversial views on gender relations. So, in an attempt to save the videogame medium, here are 10 just plain awful horror movies that would make great games.