10 Bad Video Game Endings That Are Harder To Get Than Good Ones

These finales made you work harder to be punished harder!

By Michael Fincher /

Bad endings in video games exist to punish you for doing something wrong. You fail to do something important or don't put in enough effort and, as a punishment, you get to see your character suffer some sort of horrible fate.


Because of this, some bad endings are easier to get than good endings, but this rule doesn't always track. In some games, they actually take way more effort to get than regular ones.

That's right! Although bad endings are a form of punishment, some of them have such specific requirements that getting scolded by the game becomes way more difficult than making it sing your praises.

There are many different reasons as to why this is the case. Sometimes it's a matter of complex objectives, sometimes it's a result of the good ending taking next to no effort, and sometimes it can even be a mean prank on the developers' part, punishing you for being an obsessive perfectionist.

Whatever the case may be, you've probably never seen the following bad endings, but if you have, you may as well consider yourself one lucky loser.

10. Rule Alone - Mafia III

When it comes to Mafia III, only one ending can be considered good. However, if you were to decide which one of the bad endings is worse, it would definitely be the one where you get blown up in a car explosion mid-cutscene.


Coincidentally, it's also the hardest outcome to reach.

Although the fiery inferno makes for a very quick and sudden finale, the requirements you have to meet in order to get it are disproportionately complex. You have to do everything you do in the good ending, but instead of working together with the Marcano lieutenants, you have to betray all of them one by one.

This means making very specific choices throughout the latter half of the story that allow you to eliminate all of your potential partners in crime until Lincoln is the sole leader of the Marcano family... and he has no one protecting him from getting assassinated with a car bomb.

The choice to work together with the lieutenants is actually much more straightforward than crossing your allies, so if you're mad about Lincoln turning to crispy bits and dying alone, you really only have yourself to blame for it.
