10 Best Boss Battles In Metroid History

Looking at some of the most daunting and epic bosses in all of Metroid.

By James Egan /

Metroid is a space-oriented action game where you play as an intergalactic bounty hunter called Samus Aran. At a first glance, you could accuse the original game of being a rip-off of Castlevania due to its similar structure. But due to the game's emphasis on upgrades and nonlinear exploration, Metroid became one of the most highly praised franchises in gaming.


To keep the series fresh, the developers have made some drastic changes in Metroid's format. There have been 2D adventure games, first-person shooters, and whatever the hell The Other M was. The franchise even spawned a pinball spin-off.

But no matter how different the games are, every entry is known for its astounding boss battles... except Metroid Pinball. That one doesn't count. These adversaries aren't just difficult or cool; they are epic.

Metroid doesn't work like a Mario game where you can defeat enemies with a simple bonk on the head. To face these screen-filling bosses, you need patience, the reflexes of a ninja, and surgical precision.

On top of that, most bosses have a series of phases, forcing you to constantly adjust your tactics. Here are the ten most creative and badass bosses in the Metroid series.

10. Kraid - Super Metroid

Kraid is one of the most famous bosses of Super Metroid (as well as the entire franchise). Until Metroid Prime, this tyrannical lizard was the biggest enemy in the series.


As you enter his lair, Kraid tunnels in from underground and starts spewing rocks and lunging at you, trying to skewer you with his claws. After you blast his face a few times, Kraid rises from his tunnel completely, showing off his entire body. It is only in this moment when the player comprehends how freakishly large he is. Fighting against this beast feels like you are going toe-to-toe with Godzilla. (Fun fact. Kraid's roars were taken directly from the Titanosaurus in the film, Terror of MechaGodzilla.)

At this point, he hurls thorns around the room and shoot spikes from his belly holes (What are those things? Belly-buttons?) Since he is only vulnerable in the mouth, you need to climb the platforms to shoot him. If his projectiles knock you off these platforms, you have to be careful to not land in the thorns below.

As intimidating as Kraid appears, he can be defeated with four Super Missiles, which is why he is so low on this list.
