10 Best Lovecraftian Enemies In Video Games

Tentacles, eyes, cosmological horror - and that's just one of them.

By Adam Hogg /


Whilst developers can draw inspiration from a wealth of sources, perhaps none is drawn from more than the twisted writings of H.P. Lovecraft. A writer who defined the horror genre, his works have been the foundation of entire games.


Perhaps most notorious for his tentacle-ridden abominations, Lovecraft wrote about more than just masses of pulped flesh with more unnecessary appendages than you could shake a sword at. His concepts of unfathomable horrors lurking in the cosmos, dwarfing the human race into a pathetic state of meek inferiority were inspired, and have shaped more games than you could imagine.

And for those Lovecraftian buffs who are inevitably going to call out the fact that most of these enemies can be beaten - and thus can’t be classed as Lovecraftian - there are a wealth of villains in his works that are defeated. And while his most famous and traditional enemies are those of the Cthulhu mythos, he branched beyond those into other territory and encompassed a whole host of insane themes and creatures along the way.


With bizarre, twisted amalgamations of eyes and tentacles, more subtle depictions of Lovecraftian monsters and even creatures plucked straight from his work directly, there is more than enough entities to go around. Here are ten of the best.