10 Best Lovecraftian Enemies In Video Games

10. The Old One - Demon's Souls

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I know exactly what you’re thinking. Demon’s Souls? You know From Software made Bloodborne to explicitly deal with Lovecraft and his mythos, but you glint over that for Demon’s Souls? Don’t fret, as From Software’s tentacle-ridden homage to Lovecraft undoubtedly features on this list, but Lovecraftian influences go right back to their roots. Namely, the Old One.

The oldest of all the Demons to ever threaten Boletaria, the Old One is classic Lovecraft. A creature of unbelievable power, the source of a powerful energy in the form of soul arts and an unquenchable desire for souls, the Old One appears to be ripped straight from the finest works of the madman himself. And he looks like a giant snake made from twigs and branches.

Of course, in the traditional Lovecraftian sense, the creature is unfathomable and completely un-understandable, playing on the fear of the unknown. Perhaps one of the most interesting points is that you can end up joining him, being swayed by the power he holds and becoming one of his fearsome demons.

It may not be entirely traditional, but the Lovecraftian vibes are there in spades, and it’s undeniable that there was at least one glance at the Cthulhu mythos when creating it. I mean c’mon, he is essentially Cthulhu if Cthulhu was a piece of foliage.

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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.