10 Best Video Game Moments Of 2015 (So Far)

Which scenes will you be talking about for years to come?

By Scott Tailford /

Everyone gamer loves dissecting a good story or drinking in a narrative progression across a few weeks' worth of playtime, but for those in-the-moment concoctions of code where everything comes together to provide all manner of satisfying or memorable scenarios? There's truly nothing better. Already you're probably be thinking which modern titles gave you some of these set-ups, as although 2015 has definitely seen a better showing of top quality entertainment than the barren wasteland that was last year, it's far too easy to gravitate towards the 'big three' of Bloodborne, Batman: Arkham Knight and The Witcher 3, rather than shine the spotlight on the many other games worth your time. Obviously those three key titles everyone's raving about (or mounting a case against) are going to find their home here too, but what better celebration of all things game-related than to hand-pick the best water cooler moments from across the year so far? Let us know in the comments what your own highlights of 2015 have been, but not before you check our list of contenders first.

10. Getting The New Suit - Batman: Arkham Knight

Nerd-life doesn't get much better than this. Back when Arkham Knight first launched, the internet hadn't fully gotten stuck into every facet of Arkham Knight's runtime; we didn't know who the titular character was, how the Batmobile was going to handle, and which side-characters were going to make an appearance - but that's all secondary to a certain scene right near the opening of the game. Eagle-eyed players might've already noticed the costume Bats starts with wasn't that from the pre-release trailers, and instead appeared to be a slightly modified take on that of Arkham City. Cut to where Bruce mentions to Lucius Fox about wanting to "Try out the new suit", and when it lands, only for you to get a very Iron Man-style flyover of its new moving parts and gadgets, deploying them was like some Bat-powered teenage fever-dream. Suddenly you can dart between multiple foes and take them all out in a blur of broken bones and cut-off screams, the Batmobile's traversal options open up as it fires you across the night sky - and all-round you'll be continually uttering sentiments close to "Holy $%@!!" just as the hostage you're then lined up to save mentions he's "Never seen anyone move like that before." Neither had we, and we'll never forget it.