10 Biggest Video Game Creatures You Can Go Inside

From Gears of War 2's Riftworm to Final Fantasy X's Sin, these are some of gaming's biggest beasts!

By Chris Littlechild /

With the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S finally released, gamers are starting to see the kinds of expansive, lush worlds this generation of consoles will have in store. The stunning likes of the Demon’s Souls remake are a tantalizing hint of what’s to come.


Developers are just beginning to get to grips with the hardware, and it’s exciting to consider what these systems will be capable of in the future. In the meantime, though, it’s dizzying enough to think about just how far gaming has come up to this point.

From the early arcade days of Pong, Asteroids and Space Invaders, gaming systems have constantly expanded in scope and ambition. This has been plain to see in every aspect of games: from the music to the mechanics and, perhaps most importantly, the enemies.

It’s important that boss battles are just that: monumental events that both wow and challenge the player. Sometimes, it’s even possible to venture inside some of these titanic creatures and defeat them from the inside (as grim as that sounds).

Not every gigantic creature in gaming is a boss, of course. Some of them are whole areas or dungeons themselves. They’re all unforgettable, though, as some of these fan-favorites demonstrate.

10. Gears Of War 2 - The Riftworm

Gears of War has never been a franchise to shy away from a little gore. With its brutal, visceral, bloody combat and bombastic set pieces, something like Gears of War 2’s Riftworm incident was all but inevitable. No less horrifyingly spectacular for it, though.


These gigantic beasts are pivotal to the game, and this particular one made for one of the most memorable and sickening encounters in the series. The Riftworm swallowed Delta-One (King Raven and all) during one daring escapade, leaving the team in quite a quandary.

With Marcus Fenix at the helm, the challenge of escaping this great beast’s belly was only going to have a super-violent solution. The idea: destroy its heart and kill it while still inside, then slash through its body to freedom (those chainsaw bayonets came in handy again here).

The Riftworm, it transpired, had multiple hearts, and a digestive system that really, really wanted to dissolve the intruders. Many severed arteries later, though, this 1-mile titan essentially exploded in a shower of blood, before Fenix and co. exploded out of it in another shower of blood.
