10 Board Games You Must Play During Isolation

Bored? Stuck inside? Let's help with that...

By Jules Gill /

Given the current circumstances of recent events, you might be looking at the walls of your home with a different perspective. No longer does that motivational poster of a kitten holding onto a branch with "hang on in there" fill you with optimism and glee. Instead it aggravates you as you start to forget what a tree even is and that this little kitten would make a tasty snack and offer difference to your diet of reconstituted bran and vitamin pastes.


Yet fret not friends because the indoors need not be so bad as why not gather round the family for a good old board game session to pass the time? Well in that very spirit we thought we'd give you some great recommendations to keep your sanity and your siblings under control.

And no Monopoly is not on here because I don't want to be responsible for the damage that can do to a household.

10. Ticket To Ride

Buy It Here.


If someone were to come up to me and say "Hey want to play this game about setting up railtransport?" I would normally respond with something along the lines of "No thanks I actually like the embrace of other people" HOWEVER after actually playing Ticket To Ride I have to say, this game makes building railways hilariously fun.

Each player attempts to build specific routes dictated by the tickets they draw each round, and while the board might look initially complex it's incredibly simple to get to grips with and accessible for all ages to enjoy. It's a game that gives out what the group is willing to put in, meaning you can have a game that's chilled and relaxed while you listen to your grandads wartime stories, a loud shouting fest full of screwing people over or even a drinking game and yes that exists and it's great.

Plus it's a game that has won board game of the year multiple times and regularly tops sales charts, and there are tonnes of different themed versions if you fancy something above and beyond the base experience. All about the hype train indeed.

Oh and there's even a PC version on Steam which you can play with your friends online!
