10 Deceptive Video Game Loot You Instantly Regretted Picking Up

Not everything is worth taking.

By Michael Fincher /

Most gamers follow a simple rule when it comes to picking stuff up: loot first, ask questions later.


It's a simple but effective strategy that can spare you the headache of individually examining every piece of garbage that drops to the floor, but it comes at a price—you never know what you grab.

Now, it may not matter when the things you pick up are coins and weapons, but sometimes developers like to slip in something extra in your loot. Something extra awful...

Have you ever auto-picked up a vital organ from an enemy and eaten it? Looted a cursed item and accidentally ruined your game? Or perhaps you went exploring a dungeon only to pick up an irritating friend on the way?

Reading in-game descriptions can be a boring task, but without paying attention to what you greedily grab, your pretty shiny goodies might just turn out to be your worst mistakes. Then again, in some cases, even reading the description won't help.

For this reason, if you want to avoid regrettable realizations, you should check the following items and make sure you never put your hands on them.

10. Hircine's Ring - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Skyrim players' biggest problem with loot is how much of it they can fit into their inventory before they have to relegate some of their dragon bones to Lydia.


However, in the case of Hircine's Cursed Ring, your hoarding habits can actually have more tangible consequences.

The ring is obtained in the mission "Ill Met By The Moonlight," in which an imprisoned werewolf asks you to take it off him to help him remove the curse the Deadric Prince Hircine has cast on it.

Now, since most Deadric Artifacts interpret "cursed" as "more powerful," you might choose to agree to the werewolf's offer (either that or you just quickly clicked through the dialogue), in which case you will quickly discover why the werewolf was so eager to get rid of it.

Not only does the ring force you to transform into a werewolf at random, but you can't take it off once you equip it!

This means that until you finish Hircine's quests to remove the curse, you're constantly at risk of turning into a wolf, turning all NPCs hostile, and potentially ruining some quest objectives in the process.

Huh, who knew trusting a random werewolf convict could end so badly?
