10 Deceptive Video Game Loot You Instantly Regretted Picking Up

9. Body Parts - Quasimorph

Baldur's gate 3 Djin
HypeTrain Digital

Quasimorph is a bizarre isometric dungeon crawler where you play as a mercenary company in a dystopian science-fiction setting where strange anomalies cause people to transform into the titular quasimorphs.

Picking up jobs and exploring anomaly-infested areas is the bread and butter of the game, but if you're not careful, the preferred bread and butter of your mercenaries will be the fresh corpses littering the premises of the compounds you explore.

Yep, we're about to talk cannibalism.

Because Quasimorph doesn't believe in hand-holding and each object in the game, including your own body, is highly interactible, it can be very easy to accidentally chop off a body part and cannibalize it as you loot a corpse.

Now, this accidental "loot" can keep your character's health and hunger in check, but it also comes with some dire consequences.

Eating human meat increases the anomaly levels on the map, meaning that every time you mess up and eat a guy's appendage, you increase the frequency of quasimorphs spawning near you, making the level significantly harder.

So don't let your mercenary urges get the better of you. No matter how delicious those rotting body parts may look!

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.