10 Disgusting Video Game Moments No One Felt Bad About

Sometimes we're bad without even realising it...

By Alex Sutton /

Moments of moral indecency pop up time and time again in numerous titles spanning the very existence of video games. From moments that force us into a tough decision of €œright€ and €œwrong€ (Telltale Games) to occasions where we€™re manipulated into performing acts of unforgivable cruelty in an attempt to critique and question the very ethics of gaming (Spec Ops: The Line). We€™ve most certainly all experienced and recognised moments like these at one point. With these moments, however, we€™re able to see the consequences of our actions €“ whether we made the right choice, or fell victim to indecency €“ we€™re allowed to reflect upon our decisions. But sometimes, rarely, there are moments in games that pass us by. Whether choices given to the player or plot-points that have to be followed, these are acts of cruelty and immorality that are cleverly veiled by amusement, enjoyment or even self-preservation €“ that leave us completely unaware of the horrible implications of our otherwise innocent (and not always so innocent) actions. From the obviously big to the obscure, here are 10 gaming moments that on the surface appeared justified, but were in fact deeply disturbing examples of horrible acts of cruelty that emerged subtly from the wrong side of moral ambiguity. As is normally the case: SPOILERS ahead!