10 Most Disgusting Video Games Of All Time

By Scott Tailford /

Okay all you splatterhouse fans, it€™s the time of year to celebrate ridiculous acts of (fantasy) violence and macabre imagery, and what better way to get going than with a rundown of some of the most squeamish, the most violent and overall some of the most €˜just-tell-me-when-it€™s-over€™ lists of gaming's darkest corners. With the word €˜disgusting€™ comes a whole variety of different games or scenes that have laboured long in the mind until such a word summons them back into consciousness. There are a few regular entries for these kinds of lists, particularly a certain spine-ripping franchise that had a brilliant entry in its last main canon two years ago. Speaking of franchises, titles included will be representative of an entire series, both for the sake of diversity alongside other titles and so I can cram as much blood n€™ guts into the proceedings as possible.

10. Gears of War

You know you€™re in for a treat when the first entry on the list is the illustrious Gears of War franchise. Not one for overly labouring a specific scene with their otherwise gore-tastic gameplay, the mechanics in the game also favour a penchant for the explosive. Although it might be the series€™ iconic weapon now, flash back to 2006, or whenever you first bore witness to the signature Gears €˜chainsaw kill€™. It was a glorious experience, wielding the games€™ heavy-duty assault rifle that had been modified to include an under-barrel chainsaw, the likes of which tore straight through the advancing Locust horde, complete with many an enemy-scream and gruesomely meaty sound effects. The Gears franchise also gave birth to the fantastic Torque Bow, a medium-range high-powered crossbow that fired explosive arrows, the firing of which lingered just long enough in an enemy€™s body for them to realise what was about to happen, before the resulting explosion was like a chorus of champagne corks for the player. Gears provided visceral thrills by the bucketload, and earned a reputation as one of the most iconic Xbox franchises because of it. Although latest edition Gears of War: Judgement couldn't live up to the series' lofty heights overall, the trademark gore was most definitely still intact.