10 Most Disgusting Video Games Of All Time

9. Aliens Vs. Predator

Avp Next up, something slightly unexpected, yet equally as upfront-disgusting as a lot of the other entries on this list, the AVP games have always been almost unanimously terrible, however the latest attempt in 2010 to reinvigorate the franchise alongside its silver-screen brethren got much closer to simulating the Predator experience than ever before. Whilst lacklustre level design and overly-sensitive controls did not for an enjoyable game make, occasionally you€™d be perched up in a tree, watching a small squad of soldiers explore unaware below, only to fire off one of the €˜distraction€™ soundbites ("Want some candy?") before deftly leaping down and skewering said soldier in ways only a Predator knows how. With Alien kills providing their own literally acid-tongue'd fatalities, the game did have it's upshots for fans, but overall Aliens vs Predator remains a franchise loaded with potential if the right development studio could get their hands on it.
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