10 Essential DLC Packs That Complete Your Favourite Video Games

DLC doesn't have to be a bad thing.

By George Foster /

CD Projekt Red

Downloadable content is often given a bad rap by gamers nowadays, and who can blame them? With many games featuring needless micro-transactions, cheap costume packs, and even purchasable cheats, it's blatantly clear DLC has become a way for publishers to squeeze every last penny out of consumers.


This doesn't always have to be the case. There are so many amazing examples of worthwhile DLC and expansion packs that really do make great games even greater. Upcoming expansion packs like Uncharted: The Lost Legacy and Breath of the Wild's Champions Ballad look like they'll be able to expand upon the original games and perhaps even surpass them.

That's the best case scenario for DLC packs - exceed the original release by innovating and improving upon what made the game great. Of course, most DLC packs aim to simply offer more of the same, which isn't always a bad thing either.


To celebrate the DLC packs that are actually worth it, here's ten expansion packs that complete your favourite games.