10 Essential DLC Packs That Complete Your Favourite Video Games

10. New Super Luigi U

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Who'd have thought adding more Luigi would be an improvement to anything?

The New Super Mario Bros. series has always suffered from a bit of a identity crisis, stuck between offering a family friendly experience whilst also trying to appeal to old school fans. Many people considered the New Super Mario Bros. titles to be too easy and to play it too safely in terms of innovation.

That's where the New Super Luigi U DLC pack came in. This expansion allowed players to exclusively play as Luigi without any sign of Mario at all. With this came changed physics, brand new levels, and even the ability to play as Nabbit. Each level now lasted only 100 seconds, which meant that figuring out how to get through them as fast as possible was key.

One of the biggest changes introduced in New Super Luigi U was an increased difficulty. Almost all of the levels in the game are challenging, which makes beating them genuinely satisfying, as well as making it one of the most unique 'Mario' titles to come out in recent years. It truly felt like Nintendo were trying to appeal to the hardcore crowd with this DLC pack.

New Super Luigi U is a fantastic add-on that showed that Nintendo knows what they're doing when it comes to DLC.

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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.