10 Greatest Gaming Wing-Men Ever

By Jancee Wright /


Remember the thrill you got from playing Goldeneye on N64? Running around as a kick-butt James Bond, mowing through enemies and saving the world? It was a lot of fun, right? But then came the part of the game where you had to rescue Natalya, unlock the main control room, and escort her to safety. How well did that go over for you? Maybe you killed Natalya once, twice, or fifty times because she always walked straight into your line of fire. Maybe you became frustrated at her slow pace. Maybe you tried to shoot her on purpose because you hated her so freaking much.

Now think about Resident Evil 4. I don't know about you, but once I finally found the president's daughter, I hated her with a passion. It's like the girl wanted to die. Although occasionally she would duck when I pointed my handgun straight at her, she couldn't keep herself safe to save her life. I had to literally stick her up at the top of a stupid watchtower before ridding the village of threats. And if she did die, that was it. The game was over.


We all have our fair share of supposedly helpful characters that we hate. But for every one of those, there are other characters that we just can't live without. Characters that always have our backs and contribute to each and every sweet victory. For your pleasure, here are ten of those amazing characters!

10. Luke (Professor Layton series)


I know that Luke isn't necessarily the first person someone would think of as a great gaming wing man, but just hear me out. Luke's first encounter with Professor Layton is in Professor Layton and the Last Specter, when Layton receives a summons by his old friend Clark to the town of Misthallery. Turns out, the letter was actually written by Clark's son, Luke, meaning that Luke essentially initiated the entire Professor Layton series.

If that isn't enough, Luke proves to be a loyal companion, offering up his knowledge and abilities throughout the series. As Layton's apprentice, Luke often provides conversation, suggestions, and commentary on the situation at hand. And in Misthallery, Luke's local knowledge was extremely helpful in scouting for clues. Luke is persistent and his loyalty and pride as Layton's apprentice is unparalleled. Therefore, he makes this list at number 10.
