10 Greatest Ever Musical Moments In Gaming History

By Harry Jenkins /

Gaming is a multi-faceted experience. Above and beyond film, we have gameplay to turn it into a truly interactive artform. Anyone who disagrees is wrong. Chances are they haven't experienced one of those moments where everything comes together at once - the story, the gameplay, the visuals and one of the ignored parts of the experience: the sound. Of course, the ultimate expression of sound, is music. Music is the string that ties the package together. Without it, it just wouldn't be the same experience. Some games forego a musical score to great effect (i.e. acclaimed indie classic Limbo). The music in Limbo is noticeable by its absence, which goes to show what a big part of the game it can sometimes be. Its presence or absence changes the mood as vibrantly as colour does for paintings. This list is for those moments, when the music is there, suits the game and kicks in at just the right time. It can turn an otherwise mindless videogame into high art. There are a few titles which didn't make it because this list purely focusses on those moments which are crafted experiences, times when the designer has made a conscious choice to make the player feel a certain way, moments that encourage and reward, like the video-game equivalent of Adrian shouting "Win Rocky, win!"; moments that illicit an emotional response. As such, only crafted experiences and only moments during actual gameplay are allowed; no FMVs (sorry MGS fans) and no moments that happen by chance (like a certain song coming on the radio during GTA: Vice City). Also, no Guitar Hero or Rock Band games, no matter how awesome that cover of Devil Went Down To Georgia may be. While compiling this list, I quickly began to realise that the majority of tracks were by Nobuo Uematsu, the composer behind most of the Final Fantasy games. Worse still, a lot of moments took place within the same game. So, to constrain the list ever more, there will only be one moment per game, and Nobuo will only show up a few times. I can't help it that he's awesome. There are just so many incredible experiences enhanced or defined by the music, there's bound to be some disagreement, so take this list with a pinch of salt and an open mind. So, without further ado, let's pay homage to the games which stand out based on their audible merits...