10 Greatest Video Game Voice Actors

By Shaun Munro /

In their quest to become closer acquainted with the quality storytelling we associate with films, video games have in recent years been stepping up their craft as far as voice acting goes, employing more talented actors, some of whom have actually managed to become minor celebrities solely for their work in this field. A great voice actor can provide a game with its personality and accentuate the visual tone that the creators are trying to strike. Given how awful voice acting generally was around 15-20 years ago (who can forget Resident Evil's stifled, awkward and hilariously bad dialogues?), huge leaps have come about in the last decade or so owing to greater production costs, as even talents from Hollywood have been lured in by the field's considerable growth. Still, ignoring the mere tokenism of casting a Hollywood star in a video game, here are the 10 greatest video game voice actors of all time.

10. Steve Blum (Everything)

Steve Blum may not have a face or a name you're going to know, but you can be damn sure that you will have heard his voice either in video games or in cartoons. The guy is the most prolific English-language voice-over artist in the world, having contributed to over 200 video games, though a high number of these are in extremely minor roles, such as the ever-famous "additional voices" credit. Perhaps his most famous video game voice is as Ares in God of War, though his chameleonic vocal abilities mean that you'll have heard him in countless games without ever realising; the guy has this tremendous ability to slink in and out of so many characters, and really, that's a testament to the ability of his skill. He might never attain the iconic, celebrity-like status of many of the voice actors on this list, but that's more proof that he's doing his job right, switching between different types of voices at a moment's notice, and we're left none the wiser.