10 Hardest Bosses In Resident Evil History

Stock up on magnum ammo because you're going to need it.

By Marc Smith /

The announcement of Resident Evil 8 has certainly gotten us fans in a spin. We've only just gotten over the excitement of two remakes and a sub-par multiplayer title, but Capcom have gone and tweaked our already firm nipples with the promise of yet more gore-soaked, anti-corporate hijinx.


The wounds from our recent battles with both Mr. X and Nemesis are still fresh, and yet we're already staring down the barrel of yet more terrifying boss monsters.

Those two behemoths aside, the Resident Evil series has given us some of gaming's most terrifying monsters across a staggering twenty-six game run. With Resident Evil 8 on the horizon and Resident Evil 4 apparently getting a remake, what better time is there to look back at the most hellish boss encounters the series has forced us into?

For the sake of this list, we're only including bosses that are featured in main campaigns - so this omits Mercenaries bosses like Super Salvador and the Red Executioner.

With that said, let's stock up on herbs and grab that grenade launcher from your fallen comrade because these relentless monstrosities mean business.

10. Yawn - Resident Evil & REmake

It seems only appropriate that we kick things off with the very first boss players encountered way back in 1996.


During your ill-fated excursion throughout the Spencer Mansion, you had to collect all manner of keys and items to open up new pathways full of certain death. Eventually, you had no choice but to explore the incredibly foreboding attic and lo-and-behold, were greeted by the gargantuan serpent known as Yawn.

For those who were still struggling to get to grips with the tank controls, Yawn posed quite a challenge. Its strikes are fast and it has a tendency to fill up a fair chunk of the arena, often trapping you in a corner before sinking its fangs into you.

It's entirely possible to simply dash to the end of the room and grab the key item, but unless you're able to pull off some pro-gamer magic, Yawn will trap you and you will die. Play it safe however and it can be toppled, provided you've got enough ammo to take it out.

Veterans of the series may scoff at this inclusion but cast your minds back for a moment to your first trip into the attic.

Bloody terrifying wasn't it?!
