10 Horrifying Hellscapes That Video Game Heroes Call Home

Feeling the cold outside? Raise the temperature with 10 videogame hellscapes.

By Jamie Evans /

Life can be tough, particularly for a videogame hero. You spend your life constantly thwarting the schemes of evil-doers, endlessly respawning as you quest the land and sometimes, just sometimes, you end up going through absolute hell (sometimes literally).


“Hell” can have many interpretations from the traditional fire-and-brimstone hell of Christian myth to a frozen wasteland devoid of even the tiniest glimmer of hope. For some it is filled with a literally evil; demons, monsters and beasties, whilst for others it is a psychological prison that slowly drives you insane.

Now just imagine trying to survive all that whilst some angry nerd is shouting at you to “jump higher” or “shoot straighter”, despite the fact that they are the ones holding the controller! Yeah, life isn’t easy for a videogame hero and today we’re going to explore ten of the most twisted and torturous hellscapes that developers have ever dreamt up for you to play through. Fair warning, you might get a little scared. It’s okay, we won’t tell anybody.

10. The Trenches - The Darkness

A somewhat forgotten comic-book based shooter from the 2000s, this comic-book based game puts players in control of Mafia hitman Jackie Estacado. On his 21st birthday, Jackie learns that he is heir to a long and terrible legacy – he is the host of The Darkness, a powerful supernatural entity from the dawn of time.


This all sounds a bit silly, and it is, but the game takes itself deathly seriously as evidenced by the insane amount of murder, mayhem and…watching a movie…with your girlfriend?

Where the true terror of the Darkness really shines however is when your character dies and you are sent to this worlds version of hell; a cold, dreary place where World War I rages for all eternity. The soldiers here are much harder to kill – many walking around with wounds that would fell a mortal man. When they finally do die, they get to live it all over again. Here The Darkness itself resides and attempts to seize control of Jackie with a shadow avatar of himself. Add in cool cameos from representations of the biblical Four Horseman of the Apocalypse and The Trenches become the coolest part of this game.
